Тестирование софта - статьи



  1. James D. Mooney. "Bringing Portability to the Software Process". // Technical Report TR 97-1, Dept. of Statistics and Computer Science, West Virginia University, Morgantown WV, 1997.
  2. Ian Sommerville. Software Engineering, 8th Edition, Addison Wesley, 2006.
  3. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. IBM System/370. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System/370
  4. Wine - Open Source implementation of the Windows API. http://www.winehq.org/
  5. Borland's Net Loss Desaster. // Архив дискуссионного листа «borland.public.delphi.non-technical». Август 2005. http://coding.derkeiler.com/pdf/Archive/Delphi/borland.public.delphi.non-technical/2005-08/msg01903.pdf
  6. Ryan Slobojan. Tasktop 1.3: Support Added for Firefox and Linux. // InfoQueue News. Nov 12, 2008. http://www.infoq.com/news/2008/11/tasktop-13
  7. Apple Rosetta. http://www.apple.com/rosetta/
  8. Андрей Ященко. 64-x битные процессоры. // 3DNews, 7 августа 2003. http://www.3dnews.ru/cpu/cpu-64/index2.htm
  9. Cygwin - Linux-like environment for Windows. http://www.cygwin.com/
  10. Gerald J. Popek, Robert P. Goldberg. Formal Requirements for Virtualizable Third Generation Architectures. // Communications of the ACM, Volume 17, Issue 7, July 1974, pp. 412-421.
  11. Крис Касперски. Аппаратная виртуализация или эмуляция "без тормозов". http://www.insidepro.com/kk/159/159r.shtml
  12. Virtual Box. http://www.virtualbox.org
  13. VMware. http://www.vmware.com
  14. Matias Zabaljauregui. Hardware Assisted Virtualization. Intel Virtualization Technology. Buenos Aires, June 2008.http://linux.linti.unlp.edu.ar/kernel/wiki/images/f/f1/Vtx.pdf
  15. AMD Virtualization. http://www.amd.com/us-en/0,,3715_15781,00.html
  16. Paul Barham, Boris Dragovic, Keir Fraser, Steven Hand, Tim Harris, Alex Ho, Rolf Neugebarger, Ian Pratt and Andrew Warfield. Xen and the Art of Virtualization. // Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, October 2003.
  17. Daniel J. Magenheimer, Thomas W. Christian. vBlades: Optimized Paravirtualization for the Itanium Processor Family. // Proceedings of the 3rd Virtual Machine Research & Technology Symposium. May, 2004. pp 73–82, USENIX.
  18. Linuxgym Teaching System. http://www.linuxgym.com/
  19. Tom Dahm. Browser Compatibility Tutorial. http://www.netmechanic.com/products/Browser-Tutorial.shtml
  20. Browser Tests, Services and Compatibility Test Suites. // Smashing Magazine, October 2007. http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2007/10/02/browser-tests-services-and-compatibility-test-suites/
  21. http://browsershots.org/
  22. OMG CORBA 3.0. http://www.omg.org/ technology/documents/formal/corba_2.htm
  23. Ben Margolis, Joseph Sharpe. SOA for the Business Developer: Concepts, BPEL, and SCA. MC Press, 2007.

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